Thursday, December 23, 2010

My Christmas Prayer

For all that I have been given, and for all I have available within myself to give to others, I am thankful.  For my home and my family and my friends, I am grateful.  For food and drink and celebrations, I am glad. 

The warmth of my furnace and the warmth in my heart will keep my spirits lifted as I travel through this holiday season. I wish for everyone that which will lift their own spirit and open them up to the Light. If the Universe seems as if it is turning against us, may we see events in the light of patience, forgiveness, and hope.  May we learn the lessons and navigate the paths that are being shown to us.  May we be ever grateful.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Say What?!

Mutter, mutter.  “It’s too much!”  Grumble, grumble.  “What, is she crazy?”  Snort, snerk.  “Trying to find time to relax just makes me more stressed out.”

Okay, maybe an hour a day is too much to ask.  (I’m referencing last week’s message.)  As a wise friend said when I complimented her on her consistent appearance at yoga class, “As soon as I decided that one yoga class a week was enough, and stopped thinking I should be taking two, it was like a weight lifted off my shoulders.  Now I come to class gladly instead of having to force myself.”

So, while it’d be nice to take an hour day for quiet, alone time, you are the only one who truly knows what is best for you, in your life, at this time.  Make an honest assessment – no guilt trips, no excuses – and see how that feels.  And take the time to notice all the little hors d’oeuvres of joy and delight that present themselves during your day, and enjoy the moment.

Om shanti. Peace.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Gratitude for Me

This past week we officially gave thanks for all that we have, as we celebrated our great country and its bountiful gifts.  Now it’s on to the harried holiday hoe-down!  If you celebrate Hanukkah, watch out because it’s practically on top of us; Christmas follows closely behind.  What gift will you give yourselves this month?

I highly recommend presenting your self with an hour of down time every day.  Sound impossible?  Try doing it out of your house to eliminate distractions.  Yoga is a good idea, of course.  Or visit the library and sit on a comfy chair under a window; you can read or just pretend to read.  Bundle up and take a meditative walk, leaving the dog behind so you don’t have to keep stopping (the kids’ll take him out later!).  Take a drive down a country road with the radio off. Wander through a garden nursery and breathe in the pine scents. Visit a local museum.  Again, you can wander and look, or just sit and relax.  Did I mention yoga?

Give it a go.  You will be surprised how quickly an hour goes by, and how refreshed and energized you will feel afterward.  The bonus realization will be that an hour of replenishing your soul won’t take time away from your busy day – you will seem to gain more time!  Need I say more?

Monday, November 22, 2010

All Blessings, Big and Small

Thanks a million; a hunderd’ll do!  Words of wisdom from Pop-Pop. 

We do have a million things to be thankful for, but let’s deal with a hundred instead – we’ve got turkeys to defrost and pies to bake, after all.  Oh, that’s the first two thanks, right there.  98 to go…..

I’m grateful for my teachers, both those I pay and those who lead extraordinary lives as an example to me.
I am thankful for peppermint tea and car seat warmers.
Namaste to my friends and fellow yogis.
I am grateful that garbage truck let me go ahead of him this morning so I didn’t have to follow him slowly down the street.
I give thanks for flannel pajamas and a husband who doesn’t object.
I shout halleluiah when my trick knee doesn’t play tricks on me.

… and on and on.  My list will include the usual – health, family, home – and the tiny things that bring a moment of pleasure each day.

What’s on your list?

Monday, November 8, 2010

Butterflies in November

I was watching the National Geographic channel last night -- a show about migrating animals.  Here is an interesting fact about Monarch Butterflies:

It takes four generations for monarch butterflies to complete their round-trip migration.  First batch leaves from Mexico in the spring, lays eggs and dies somewhere in the southern U.S.  Second batch hatches, eats, cocoons, emerges, and takes off for the upper U.S.; repeat lifecycle.  Generation 3 makes it to Canada, where they lay their eggs, and when Generation 4 emerges as butterflies, they head straight south, going the entire way back to the original starting location in Mexico before they too lay their eggs and perish. 

Why am I taking about butterflies on this cold and windy day?  Because their unfathomable migration echoes the mysteries in our own lives.  Things happen that we can’t explain, but that doesn’t mean they are less true.  And if we sometimes feel we are butterflies, being pushed by instinct instead of reason, maybe we should let go and take flight!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

All is Ready

Everything you need, you already have.

Ever hear that before and say, yeah, well, I really need an iPad and I don't see it on my desk....

That's not what we're talking about, and you know it!  Everything you need, truly need, to live a life that is full and happy and kind and beneficial to all -- people, plants, planets -- is at hand.  The real question to ask is, how do I access these things, these tools for living?

A simple answer:  Open yourself to them and they will come in.

Ponder that.  We'll talk later.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Listen Up

You've heard of "The Third Eye", residing in the center of your brain; the eye that sees what your outer eyes cannot discern.  Let me introduce you to your "Third Ear".

You actually know you have a third ear, and hopefully you use it often.  The third ear resides in your solar plexus, i.e., your gut.  Yup, it's that gut instinct, that power inside you that is telling you which way to go.  Should you get into that elevator with that man?  Should you accept the job offer?  Do you trust her?

Stop and allow that third ear to listen to exactly what is going on, and it will let you know what it hears.  Sometimes the answer is immediate, other times you and your ears need to sleep on it.

Stop, look and listen.  That guy's right -- you did learn everything you need to know in kindergarten.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Who's got it easy?

Is there someone in your life for whom everything seems to come easily, without excess energy, thought, or angst?  I have someone in mind, and I wonder, if I presented her with this assessment, whether she would nod happily, or look at me in surprise.  Probably the latter.  Looking in at someone from the outside does not give the whole picture.  There is often something lurking in the background, or an issue your friend glosses over or avoids talking about.  Perhaps your friend has had the great fortune to learn how to deal with (notice I did not say "overcome") her negative issues.... perhaps she is just a good faker.

Rejoice in another's good fortune and happiness - and mean it - and you will reap happiness in return.

Just remember not to judge someone else's life.  Period.

Monday, October 4, 2010

The Knee Knows

A few years ago I had an operation on my knee.  It was considered a success, but still, I occasionally feel twinges and worry that the problem will return.  This is why I’ll often say to my yoga students, “Bring your attention to your knees” and “Put a micro-bend in your knees”.  Everyone has their own issues, whether it’s stiff hamstrings or the fear of headstand. The more aware one can become of different body parts and sensations that arise during yoga and in everyday activities, the better the chances to avoid injury and move forward in your practice.

As you go through your day -- up and down stairs carrying laundry baskets; crawling on the floor after babies or cleaning up spills, stretching up to swipe the cobweb on the ceiling – pay attention to what your body is saying to you.  Does it say, ahh, that feels good, or does it complain about the strain?  Take a moment of stillness and assess your joints and muscles.  Listen to your body and learn about yourself.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Kinder and Gentler

There is a debate on whether man (or rather, Man) is contributing toward global warming trends, or indeed whether Earth is actually heating up at all.  Whatever the true answer is, I wish that everyone was a "believer", because from what I can see, people who are truly concerned about the welfare of Mother Earth incidentally improve the lives of their fellow human beings.  They pick up some ugly trash to protect the ground from pollutants; doing so prevents the next person passing by from viewing the garbage.  It's a win-win.

Friday, September 17, 2010

The perfect moment

Are you waiting for the perfect moment to chase your dream?  Stop hanging around and just jump on the next bus!  The perfect moment is always now, and lucky for us, perfect moments are like an unending string of pearls; they follow one after another in a long chain of time.

Choose your goal and walk toward it with confidence.  Self-assurance doesn't come naturally to everyone, but  if you know what you want or where you want to go, maybe you can fake it for a while -- like in those studies that say even a fake smile will improve your mood.  Stand tall, speak with authority, and don't waffle.  If you pursue your dreams with compassion, energy, and enthusiasm, no one will think to stand in your way; and if they do, well, just smile and walk around them.

Monday, September 13, 2010


In a day, how many times do you sigh with impatience, or tap your foot or roll your eyes?  How often do your shoulders slump or your teeth grit as you attempt to deal with the incompetents in your life?  Do you sometimes feel that the world is conspiring to make you wait?

Well, quit it!  Most of the things we lose patience with are only holding us back by seconds, or maybe minutes.  Most of the people we are impatient to are simply trying to muddle their way through their own day.  So a lady parks her grocery cart in the middle of the aisle to browse the cereals . . .  Don't slam her cart to the side and huff past; instead, give her a smile, tell her not to worry about it, that you'll move her cart for her.  Or that guy swerving around everyone on the highway -- send him some good thoughts because he needs them!

Exchange a smile for a sigh, a good thought for a bad, and notice the difference in your mood when you haven't spent the day with gritted teeth.

Friday, September 10, 2010


Everyone agrees there is not enough time in a day to do all the things we "need" to do; but twenty-four is all we get.  Next time you are pressed for time, try to step back and assess what it is you are trying to accomplish.  It is true that some days you truly could use some extra time.  Most days, though, the time crunch is self-inflicted.

Take a look at all you plan to accomplish today.  Some responsibilities are non-negotiable so put them at the top of your list.  Next, add a few minutes of breathing space for a walk or a meditation or a yoga class.  After that, finish the rest of your agenda with a smile in your heart.  If the extras you do during the day are only making you cranky, skip them.  If you love to keep busy, then follow that instinct.

Twenty-four hours is plenty.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Ready, Set, Now!

Ah, the first day of school is over, only 179 to go!

That's what my 8th grader said to me as I tucked her in for the night.  But we all know that school is best viewed one day at a time, or it will seem overwhelming.  It's the same with many things in our lives:  a big presentation at work, a home improvement project, an injury to rehabilitate.  Paying attention to the moment at hand keeps us focused on, and aware of, what we are doing.  Tomorrow will come and if we've taken care to notice each moment and use it the best we can, all our tomorrows will be good days in one way or another.  And if not, well, we'll worry about that tomorrow!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Labor Day 2010

The summer has been hotter than usual and everyone is ready for some cooler weather, which we are getting this weekend in New Jersey.  It is bittersweet, this enjoyment of the last weekend of summer.  School is beginning and regular schedules are about to be re-imposed on many of us.  Soon, the bitter winds of winter will be here and we will certainly yearn for the summer heat, forgetting how miserable it has made us.

What to do?  Enjoy today.  It is a time to eat and play and gather.  No bleak talk about the work week to come, the icicles we anticipate, or the diets we plan before the winter holidays roll in.   Soak up the moment, savor the weather and the foods and the company. Appreciate, absorb, internalize.  Drink in the day as if you are a sponge, and be filled with good feelings and intentions that will carry you into the “new year” with lightness and joy.

Pause at the beginning of the day to set an intention for joy.  Return to that intention often during the day, and recall it again before you sleep at night. The joy is now.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

A Tree Grows in (insert your favorite location here)

My favorite balance pose is Vrksasana, or Tree Pose.  It is simple and can be done by beginners and experts alike; and as a teacher, I love being able to say, “Grow your tree” and watch what happens.
            Today I was a student, and my teacher brought us into Vrksasana.  She guided us to raise our arms, then to incorporate a little backbend into the pose.  Just looking up toward the ceiling changed my perspective and balance, and reaching back a tiny bit further with each breath changed my attitude.  My heart opened and I breathed deeply and evenly.  I filled with joy and grace. 
            Tiny changes in perspective and movement can create broad changes in body and mind. My favorite balance pose is Tree -- open, grounded, always growing.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Karma - What the heck is it?

Think of karma as a seed.  You plant it and it grows, and the fruit you receive from it depends on the seed you planted.  Seeds of lovingkindness bring forth sweet fruit; bitter seeds ripen into bitter fruit.
Karma is not fate.  Karma is action and effect.  It is important to remember that action/effect is not always immediate.  You may be building up equity in the Bank of Karma for the future.  When someone asks plaintively, “why do bad things always happen to me? I’m a good person,” they need to remember that it's not that simple.  We live in a world full of people, relationships, and nature, and stuff is happening all the time. Maybe good things are happening and you just aren't noticing. Maybe the good things are in the works, and are taking time to “ripen”.  Next, take another look at your actions and thoughts.  How good is “good”?  Is there room for improvement (and we know the answer to that is always Yes)?
Making an effort to put out sweet, loving actions -- actions toward others that we would be happy to receive ourselves -- can bring great rewards. Even if you do not “believe” in karmic energy, those around you will be the happier for your good deeds, and you’ll receive more smiles. That’s enough, I think.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Right-Side Upside, Inside Out

Turn it around, so your head is lower than your heart, and see what happens.

Take some time in an inverted pose, whether a sustained headstand (Sirsasana) or a simple forward bend (Uttanasana), and let it happen.  I don’t know what “it” will be, you’ll have to wait and find out for yourself.  Follow your breath as it moves in a different direction, inhales growing toward the sky and exhales flowing toward the ground.  Work through any uneasiness, while staying safe in the pose, and watch what occurs in your mind and body as the uneasiness fades.  What replaces it?

One of the gifts of yoga is an increased awareness of your body and how it speaks to you.  Turn it upside down and listen.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Grand Opening

Open yourself to the world around you.  Interact with people in line at the grocery store, smile at the person you pass on the street.  Hear the sounds around you, birdsong and train whistle.  Open yourself and take it in, fill yourself with warm feelings and lovely sounds, beautiful sights and delicious smells; then close your eyes and be still, letting it soak into your cells and become a part of who you are. It is there you will find peace. Om shanti shanti shanti.

Saturday, August 28, 2010


The Universe provides everything we need. It offers air to breathe, food to eat, energy, warmth, and infinite  Love.  The key to the Universe is learning how to accept what is given to us without taking more than we need.
            Our Earth gives us food, but we should not be gluttons.  We are offered fuel for our cars and utilities, yet we should use it with restraint.  Energy bounces around and through us, zipping around stars and through cells, and we must learn to absorb and use this precious gift to its fullest extent, for peace and not for personal gain.
            Accept what you are given, and take only what you need.  

Friday, August 27, 2010


We make choices every day, many times a day.  Chicken or fish; Shop-Rite or Stop and Shop; Harvard or Yale. Some of our choices will affect us deeply and some choices won’t matter in a few minutes. 
            Some choices we make with our heads and some with our hearts.  Through the practice of yoga, we also learn to make choices by listening to our bodies.  Is it a backbend sort of day? Will I choose Sarvangasana (shoulder stand) or Viparita Karani (legs up the wall) as my inversion?  An inquiry into our body’s desires will provide information so we can choose the best asana for right now. Perhaps if the same choice was presented to your logical mind, you would decline an active pose because you had been feeling tired that day, yet the active pose might be just what your body is crying for to chase those cobwebs away.
            Make a choice, take a stand, decide.  Use your head, keep an open heart, and listen to your body.  It’s a gift from yoga to you. 

Monday, August 23, 2010


         It rained yesterday, and is raining today.  The dry, dry earth is slurping it up, and the world is poised to return to green.  Dust has settled and flowers lift their heads.  Farmers and gardeners rest their hoses and watch as their rain barrels refill.
It will rain again tomorrow.  Hair will stay frizzed and wool rugs will start to smell like wet dog as the rain sinks deeper and the trees drink it up, their roots like straws.  I look forward to the sun coming out again, and believe I will actually hear the crackle of late-summer growth as the parched brown earth rejuvenates itself.   It may look gloomy outside, but really, it is a joy.  If it seems too dark, just close your eyes and listen for the joyful music.  Rain.
Om shanti. Peace.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Turn it around

Instant access to current events and unbridled sharing of personal information often bring instant access to negativity.  I have a Facebook “Friend” whose status updates are, six times out of ten, about the bad things happening to her.  She laments, Why do bad things seem to find me so easily? and I hate waiting, and I feel completely run down.  Interspersed are happier thoughts, mostly about her children, and comments about how she plans to spend her day. 

Moaning and groaning may get you sympathy, but harboring negative thoughts – and even worse, putting them in writing -- about yourself and others, is a sure way to keep yourself down in the dumps.  Some people advocate writing down 3-10 positive thoughts every day, either first thing in the morning or last thing at night.  A good idea, but too easy to skip.  I say,

Catch yourself in a put-down of yourself or others, and immediately turn it around in your head.

As a trite example, “My thighs are huge!” morphs into, “My thighs are strong and get me places with ease!”

Try it.