If you dismiss sluggishness, aches, and forgetfulness as "a symptom of aging", you are on the wrong track! We as a human race have been woefully mistreating our bodies for the past generation. We've missed the boat on food, gone off the rails with pharmaceuticals, and jumped without a parachute concerning our exercise!
I am about to recommend a book I haven't actually read yet. But I did just put the CD on hold at the library, so expect an update at some point in the near future!
The book is The Ultramind Solution: Fix your broken brain by healing your body first, by Dr. Mark Hyman. He is a well-respected health guy who's been on all the TV shows and written several books, which is why I'm not worried about my recommendation. I recently heard Dr. Hyman speak on-line, and actually took notes; this is where the following info comes from. Also, it jibes with what I've heard elsewhere, and what I've experienced myself.
Let's start with food and nutrition. Yes, these are separate entities because often what we call "food" isn't actually nutritious. For example, sugar, soybean and vegetable oils, and the things that are added to our foods such as artificial coloring. Toss in the sugar substitutes and you have some folks' daily diet!
Anti-nutrients like these lead to brain drain and physical downgrades. If you switch to eating a real food diet you can upgrade your biology in days. Yes, Days! Bring on the veggies! (And this is the perfect time for that -- summer!!) Get more calories from good fats. Discover how to upgrade your gut biome, that lovely garden in your belly that is probably overrun by weeds that are sucking up the nutrients that you do take in!
What else? Well, get a decent night's sleep. Take a real good look at your list of prescriptions. Are there some that you can reduce or eliminate (with your doc's help) by upgrading your habits? Do you know how to exercise effectively? That "Calories Burned" gadget on your elliptical is not as trustworthy and useful as you'd like to think!
Create a meditation habit. Start small but know that allowing this habit to grow and strengthen will soon be the best hour (yes hour!) you spend all day.
Don't ask how you can cure these "symptoms of aging". Start with preventing them in the first place! And if you're already in the throes, step back, upgrade, and be joyful.
Here's my own question to you:
Why does the thought of a lifetime of exercise and kale sound horrible . . . but a lifetime of aches, pains, being left on a bench at the zoo because you can't walk far, not fitting in the seat at the movies, noticing your brain slowing down, and feeling tired and crappy, sound just peachy? Think about it.
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