Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Wish List

Thanksgiving is behind us, and ahead looms the spectre of Christmas. Is it a friendly ghost or a wicked one for you? Let’s shine it up, turn on some sparkly lights, and make a list of what we want for the holidays this year, to ensure a good time for all!

I’ll take some of that old standby, Peace on Earth, please. And a sprinkling of snow, but not too much, I don’t want to be greedy. Glittery ornaments and some fresh-smelling greens would be appreciated as well. Send me some marvelous stories in the newspapers, full of compassion and good will. Remember that feeling of empathy we discovered during the Hurricane? You can keep that going for a while, too. I’ll take some star shaped cookies, and don’t tell anyone, but I also like fruitcake!

In the spirit of the season, I’ll ask for too much – you can decide what to choose for me. Let’s add good health and prosperity for all, and a barrel of laughs. There’s no such thing as too much hope, so put that on my list, too. Oh, and red wine. A pinch of silliness goes a long way, and will go well with the wine! I already have reindeer antlers (see enclosed photo) but maybe some elfish shoes?

I’ll leave it at that, with the caveat that I get to add more, later. Do you have a deadline? Don’t worry about timing on my end, you can deliver the Peace and Prosperity any time! Thank you, Namaste, Aloha, Shalom, Asti Spumanti, and so it is!

What’s on your list?

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Extreme Peace

While watching a video of extreme athletes doing their thing on YouTube, I found myself feeling a little jealous of them. The exhilaration they must feel while flying through the air on skis, or balancing on a board as a tremendous wave drives them forward! The amazing strength, speed and balance demonstrated as the parkour guys leap from pillar to post! And the sight of rock climbers high up on a sheer face simply took my breath away.

As I watched these crazy folks, I realized that extreme sports demand intense concentration. For me, moving from Wild Thing to Full Wheel in yoga class takes attention and a certain amount of courage; but really, if I failed I would only have a headache and maybe a lump on my head. A double flip on a snowboard turns out badly and, well, I’d rather not go there . . . And although there are plenty of physical factors that need to be in place during an extreme challenge, I am sure the mental and emotional factors are at least as important.

There is nothing in my system that would allow me to do any of those things. If you’re like me, preferring the safety of a yoga mat over the perils of a mountain bike, I recommend adding meditation to your routine. I know that sitting in a chair with your eyes closed doesn’t seem to be on par with flying through the snowy air, but I assure you that both activities concentrate and focus the mind in a beneficial way. Extreme sports and meditation each encourage your mind to move away from the thousands of tiny details of life to focus on one thing. While surfing, you’ll focus on what the water may do next; during meditation, you’ll focus on a mantra, your breath, or nothing. In the end, everyone will feel clear, healthy and released.

Your choice: ski-jump or meditate. Result: Peace.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Sharing Gratitude in Adversity

Although it’s been two weeks since Hurricane Sandy blew ashore, there are still people without electricity, water and other life necessities. Others have lost their homes or summer homes; many more have lost the place where they spent happy weeks as children and adults, now that the boardwalks and beaches have washed away. I usually use November as a time to talk about gratitude, but in the wake of Sandy and her snowy cousin Athena, there are some who are not ready to be grateful.

So what do we do with this? How does one spend Thanksgiving Day when a home has been lost, feelings of resentment towards utility companies and governments abound, and kids are running around wearing other peoples’ cast off, though lovingly donated, clothing? How does one summon gratitude once the relief that your family made it out alive fades and you are faced with a dark, muddy mess?

I have no idea. I am sitting in front of my computer in my warm house, having taken a hot shower, and sipping fresh coffee – my imagination comes to a screeching halt when I go too far into thoughts of having lost everything. I can't even log onto my favorite websites without my cheat sheet of passwords; what would I do without anything I rely on daily?

Here’s my thought: Those of us who are warm and snug, well lit when the short day comes to an end, and thinking about Christmas trees and candles lit for beauty, not utility -- we need to step our gratefulness up a notch.

Gratitude is like prayer; it is a thought sent into the universe and spread over the Earth. Thank You doesn’t only land on the one who roasted the turkey; when the chef is thanked she is uplifted and in turn uplifts those around her. Thank You expands and grows and spreads like an aura and when we let the gratitude migrate from our brains to our hearts, it burgeons into a force that carries out into the world. We need to pinch-hit for those who are unable to internalize gratitude this season. And hope they never need to return that favor!

Please share!