I recently attended a yoga workshop. We were there to learn
ways to relieve stress from our physical bodies as a way to keep fit and
healthy. The teacher led us through some poses and spoke about self-compassion
and healthy eating. Then she proudly held aloft a liter bottle of brand name
water. “And, I drink at least four of these every day. See, I brought two along
with me in case it was warm in here and I needed more than one.” Half of the
group smiled smugly as their disposable water bottles stood proudly by their
mats; the rest of them nodded sagely, reminding themselves to stock up next
time they were at Costco. Leaving the yoga studio two hours later, I noted that
the trashcan outside the door was filled to overflowing with disposable water
Taking a narrow focus, laying aside the global concern in
favor of a personal one. Hydrating the body while filling the landscape with
plastic. We need to remind ourselves of the Big Picture. We need to remember
that our personal health depends greatly - perhaps even solely - on the health of our planet.
And so ends my unsolicited commercial for refillable water
bottles and filtered water pitchers.