Monday, May 19, 2014

Peaceful Intention

Modern Life: A series of events we struggle to get to, rush to finish, and despair of ever completing. Our frenzy feeds on competition as we race to see who can get the craziest without actually having to be checked into the hospital for nervous exhaustion!
We cannot remove all stressors from our lives, of course: Whatever would we do with all those loose kids? As we pass through each stage of life there are things we simply must deal with, and that is part of the School of Life here on Earth. The trick is to counteract the moments of crazy with moments of peacefulness, and then to enhance the whole enchilada with pops of joy, awe, excitement, and wonder.

Yoga, meditation, whole foods and holistic medicine can invigorate and heal your inner and outer bodies. Become aware of what makes your physical body feel and look great, and do more of that. Notice what allows your emotional and mental bodies to relax and rejuvenate. See what lets your spirit soar, and keep it up!

Peaceful intention: I move through this beautiful, bountiful life with equanimity and love, with joy and care, with the intent to increase these peaceful feelings and the knowledge that these emotions will spread to those around me.