Think of those trivial events that pester you during a normal day, the things that cause you to give a little huff of annoyance. Like the lady in front of you at the store who is sure she has a penny somewhere in the bottom of her purse. Or the child who insists on zipping his own jacket when you’re in a hurry. Even the toaster that takes too long to pop out your breakfast. I’ve discovered something about these things: They are often resolved in the space of one or two long, deep breaths.
Try it. Use your ujjayi if you have it*. Maybe the two-year-old and his zipper need three breaths, and make ‘em long and deep. Result: You’ve taken a nourishing lungful of fresh oxygen and energizing prana, you’ve avoided sending bad vibes through your system, and you have saved yourself a moment of unnecessary stress! Mindful breathing will relax your body and mind, and not only will you feel better at the end of the day, but so will everyone else around you – I can practically see those waves of calm emanating from you already!
Om shanti. Peace.
*See for a description of the ujjayi breath; better yet, come to one of my classes and I’ll teach it to you!
This is a great idea! Sometimes I'm like Junie B. Jones, who says, "I did a huffy breath at her." Huffy breaths no more :)