Monday, December 12, 2011

Time is on Your Side!

Do you have time to read a bit more about Time?  Last week I blithely said that yes, you have enough time, and I truly meant it.  There is enough time in life to do what is important.  There may not be enough time to get home from work and feed your kid a healthy, home-cooked meal before soccer practice, but there is time to nurture, love, and teach that same kid through childhood.  Some things have to fall by the wayside, and it is up to you to decide how to spend your time.

And notice how we use “no time” as an excuse:  When a friend calls asking for help with the school fashion show and you cannot think of anything more tortuous, you will beg off, saying “Oh, I simply don’t have the time.”  A moment later the phone rings again and you are asked to help with the animal shelter’s adoption drive.  Oh, those cute kittens! All of a sudden Time reappears and you eagerly say “yes”.   Hmmm, interesting.  Is it true that you don’t have time to vacuum the house (reoccurring theme for me, you can tell that’s an issue in this house!), or is it that you would rather read a magazine?  Do you really not have time to help out with the Girl Scout Cookie Sale, or do you just not want to?  

Time is getting a bad rap, being used as a scapegoat for getting out of unpleasant tasks.  Leave Time alone!  It knows how to get the job done and doesn’t appreciate being bullied.  There is enough time.  You just have to learn how to get along with it. 

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