Monday, June 11, 2012

Take it from Mae

I know I have blogged about this before, but it bears repeating: Eliminate all negative words from your vocabulary. Now. And double up your efforts when talking to yourself. 

Don’t worry if you slip up, because you have a backspace key so you can correct yourself. If you forget your kindness resolution and kick yourself in the butt (you yogis can literally do that, I know!), send a quick shout out to the universe that you take it back, that you actually meant to pat yourself reassuringly on the back. Then continue on your Positively Charming way.

When office chitchat turns snarky, ask yourself, “Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?” If you have to answer No to one of these questions, it’s probably time to change the subject. (Try talking about food – everyone loves food, and it’s very distracting, plus it’s true, kind and necessary!)

There is no need to be mean to your self or to others. It just makes everyone cranky. Take a tip from Aibileen (to Mae Mobley via K. Stockett in The Help), and repeat to yourself and others:  “You is kind, you is smart. You is important.”  And I’ll add, “You is loveable.”

1 comment:

  1. You're not wrong. Ha. Thanks for the reminder! More please!
