Sunday, February 10, 2013

Don't spread this around, but . . .

So, I was in the grocery store today, picking up ingredients for dinner, when I passed the coffee and tea aisle. I was glad I’d looked up at the sign and noticed where I was, because at lunchtime I’d been forced to use a rather dusty teabag to brew a fruit-flavored tea and had yearned for something tastier. My steps grew lighter as I trotted up the aisle, looking for the teas. I immediately found what I’d craved earlier, lemon ginger tea, but it was $4.99, so although I clutched the box, willing to pay that if I had to, I looked further to see if anything was on sale. Oh, oh look! My heart skipped a beat. Stash brand on sale for $3.49! And they have lemon ginger!

Then my hand actually flew to my chest and I gave a little gasp. There, right next to the lemon ginger tea, was a box of my other favorite, Licorice Spice! Saints be praised! I returned the non-sale box of tea to its rightful place on the shelf and gleefully snatched up the two boxes of Stash teas. As I turned to head to the check-out with my little red basket of dinner food and tea, I had a sudden thought.

Why am I so weird? Why the heck am I so excited about tea? My story here may be slightly exaggerated, but still, I was inordinately happy to find two delicious flavors of . . . tea?

Then I thought, So what? Why squash my own, odd enthusiasm? I decided to let myself revel in the little things, no matter how inconsequential. If I’m happy about tea, I’m happy about tea. Maybe tomorrow I’ll be happy about winning the lottery, and people will understand that; but today, it’s tea.

And it is truly delicious!


  1. Chuckle! I totally agree with the excitement. The licorice is hard to find...and delicious
