Got a minute? Let’s figure out the Meaning of Life. After all, this topic has been discussed since the beginning of
humankind, so all comments and opinions are probably in by now. Let’s recap:
What is the Meaning of Life?
Happiness. This one may be a by-product, not the whole
meaning. Happiness, after all, is not only elusive, but fleeting. Buy a new car
and you’ll see what I mean. You’ll be happy for a while, but soon you will
become accustomed to that fancy new dashboard and the purr of the new engine, and
you won’t feel that frisson of
happiness when you pull out of the driveway; it will just be another commute to
Service to others. Maybe. Most of the
Wisdom Traditions throughout history have held up service to your fellow man as
the Gold Standard of a life well lived. Do unto others and all that. Helping
each other does make life a lot more pleasant and is gratifying to both the
giver and receiver. Hmmmm.
Joy. This is a biggie, and a top contender for the title. Joy
is something felt deep within, a response to beauty and wonder. It suffuses one
with elation. It can be expressed physically through joyful movement – dance! –
or as a quiet appreciation. A joyful person tends to lift those around them to
a higher level of joy as well.
Gratitude. The World turns on Gratitude. When one is thankful for
food, possessions, friends and family, life, then that person is at peace. To
live in the state of Gratitude is to live in a place of abundance and plenty.
And I hear the taxes are low!
Love. No list on Life would be complete without
Love! Love pulls us together as humans. Love pulls
us together as stewards of the land. Love creates community among people and it
leads us to protect and care for the creatures of the world. Love is a biggie.
Lessons learned. In the mystical
community, life on Earth is seen as a place of learning, a place where the
Spirit goes to discover how human qualities can teach generosity and kindness;
to discover the adverse effects of cruelty and lack. Maybe Life on Earth is a
Spiritual High School.
We desire each of these qualities in our lives. Each,
including the fleeting Happiness, contributes to a life well lived. These, and
much more, create a world of meaning, and each person has the ability to participate
in this creation! And now that we’ve sorted this out, you can cancel your plans
to sit cross-legged at the top of a mountain.
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Be happy today. Find joy in the little things. Help someone
out. Say thank you continuously. Allow your heart to swell with love. Learn
your life lessons. Eat plenty of fiber and take your vitamins. All is well.
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