Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Is it real, or is it Memory?

My childhood memories of hot days have me lying on the basement floor, enjoying the cool dampness of the tiles against my skin. I see myself in longish shorts, with a sleeveless buttoned up shirt. I was probably barefoot, but maybe I had my red, rubber-toed sneakers on.

Another memory is running through the sprinkler in the front yard. My sisters and I, in matching red swim suits, lining up and dashing through, with my brother sitting close by trying to drink the water. Remember that feeling? If the spray headed toward you during your turn, you’d turn your head and squint so you wouldn’t get it in the eyes. If the sprayer was leaning away, you would jump over and feel the spray move up your body as you ran away.

No, this isn’t a “it was so much better back then” post. My kids have a pool to jump in; that’s pretty good! It’s about memories. I bet that each of my siblings who were in the sprinkler with me have a different take on that memory. I see us in matching red suits, maybe because I really liked those. Or hated them. I’m imagining our friend Amy with us, because so often she was. My memory of running through the sprinkler on a hot day is probably made up of a bunch of episodes when Mom turned on the sprinkler, not one single event.

Yes, there is a point, other than making you want to turn on the sprinkler and have a dash: Memories are our creations. We keep some details and submerge others. Memories can change over time. One dramatic moment can color the whole event, like my memory of Chris choking on popcorn at a fair and Mom running with her in her arms to the first aid tent. I probably had a great time that whole day, but that’s the only thing that stuck to me.

So be aware that memories are probably not completely factual and complete. Don’t let a bad memory of something keep you from trying it again. And don’t replay scary memories over and over in your mind until it becomes a fear or phobia!
I remember this day.  Or do I???

 If you have trouble stopping your mind from spinning over a traumatic memory, EFT is the perfect way to halt that cycle. Contact me at yogamudra.jen@gmail.com to set up a free phone consultation to see if EFT is right for you. Visit www.BalanceYourYoga.com for more information. EFT can be done in person, over the phone or using Skype, all with equally successful results.

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