Monday, October 10, 2016

As promised . . .

I'm going to jump right in here and zing you with some great, fast ideas to reduce the effects of stress on your body, mind and spirit. (See previous post for more on stress.)

Pick one or more to sprinkle throughout your day. You may find a regular time to practice, like while you wait for coffee to brew, in the car/bus/train on the way to work, in line at the grocery store. Or set an alert on your computer every hour to remind you.

1. Three full deep breaths.
2. Forward bend.
3. Bounce.
4. Stretch.
5. Walk.

1. Yup, that's it: Inhale/exhale/repeat. You'll be surprised to see how your breath expands as you practice.
2. Bend your knees!! Let your head hang heavy. Only do this one if it feels good.
3. Soften your knees and lift your heels about an inch. Toes stay on the floor. Bounce.
4. Check this video here: Quick Stretch (Yeah, I need to practice my vids!)
5. Take a few flights of stairs. Walk around the outside of your house. March in place.

Keep it easy and quick. You'll naturally extend your stress-relief time as you begin to feel the benefits. You can start to combine a stretch with a bounce, or a forward bend with a walk. See what feels best, or make up your own!

Peace out.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

What would make you feel better?

You know that annoying little ache in your low back, or that kink in your knee? The stiffness in your shoulders, the tingle in your legs, that foggy brain? Any of this ringing a bell? Oops, did I just remind you of the ringing in your ears?!

I bet I know how you explain all this away: It's tough growing old.

What if I told you it's not your age causing this, but stress?

Stress is your body's reaction to pressure and demands. When you are under stress, your body responds by alerting your nervous system and ramping up the specific hormones that increase heart rate,  breathing and metabolism. Your body prepares itself for action or shuts down in the freeze response. The many and complex reactions we have to stress are there to protect us -- from tigers, food scarcity, and the need to hunt prey. So, when's the last time you chased an antelope with a spear, knowing that if you didn't catch him your family would go hungry?

Right. And that's the problem. Since we don't often run into the big stresses, our nervous systems seem to see everything as a threat. We wake in the morning feeling dread in the pit of our bellies at the thought of going to work. Maybe you slink around the office, hoping not to run into that person who knows exactly how to ruin your day: "What a lovely dress! It really hides your thick waist." We worry about every bite we put into our mouths. We walk through beautiful city streets breathing in toxins. Stress, frankly, is unavoidable, and trying to avoid it is very stressful!

The good news is, some stress is good for us. This positive stress even has a label: Eustress. (Which stresses me out because, really?? Couldn't they think of a more attractive name?!) Examples of eustress are making love, exercise, happy surprises, fun challenges. Those times when your body goes Zing! in a good way.

Let's go back to the question I asked in the title: What would make you feel better? How about lowering the EFFECTS of stress! If we can't avoid the distress and we don't have enough eustress to balance it out, maybe stress relief practices should be on your daily to-do list. Don't stress out! I'm talking a few minutes a day, in between your usual activities.

Let that sink in for a few days. Then check back here for some concrete examples of quick stress relieving practices. Meanwhile, go find your honey and explain about eustress and how you could help each other with that tonight . . .


Monday, June 27, 2016

Imagine That!

There is a whole world inside your head, and it is accessed through that app we call Imagination. Go ahead, install the Imagination App to your brain and hit play!

Maybe I should say "reinstall" the app, because when you were young, you used your imagination freely and often. It's how you learned to deal with the world around you, how you configured the craziness into a whole life. And I don't mean craziness in a negative way, but in a way that reflects the innocence of childhood, when everything is new and needs to be sorted and even labeled.

Let your imagination take you over the rainbow!
As adults, we think we have everything figured out, and daydreaming is relegated to those few moments when we accidentally zone out when bored. Let's bring back the daydream! It's fun and it can be inspiring, can jumpstart creativity, and can fill those dull moments with pleasure.

Now you are ready to begin daydreaming! Go ahead and step into that land of the daydream, where you can create your dream life, execute a marvelous event, walk with confidence and live in abundance! As you practice daydreaming, it will get easier to slip in and out, and you'll develop some control -- you don't want to be caught out in a meeting slipping away and coming back with an obvious jolt! Time and place, people!

I like to start a daydream when I'm snuggled in bed waiting for sleep. I think of a beautiful scenario and let it play out as I drift off. The next morning, I try to spend a minute there again before I open my eyes.

You can use your meditation time to daydream, too! That whole "stilling the mind" thing does not mean you actually don't think about anything; that's pretty much impossible for folks who live out in the world and not on a deserted island. Begin your meditation by seeing yourself step onto a path, and see where it takes you! Go ahead and guide it if you want, or just let it play itself out.

I like to daydream about things I want to happen in real life, and I use exaggeration, smell, sound, and touch to make it more than real. This makes things fun and helps set the emotion, which teaches your body how you want to feel and eventually may lead you to discovering that emotion in the "real" world!

Keep it fun, keep it positive, and keep it going! Change it up or create a serial novel in your head. Spend your downtime wisely; let your imagination run free.

A Good Book I Haven't Read

If you dismiss sluggishness, aches, and forgetfulness as "a symptom of aging", you are on the wrong track! We as a human race have been woefully mistreating our bodies for the past generation. We've missed the boat on food, gone off the rails with pharmaceuticals, and jumped without a parachute concerning our exercise!

I am about to recommend a book I haven't actually read yet. But I did just put the CD on hold at the library, so expect an update at some point in the near future!

The book is The Ultramind Solution: Fix your broken brain by healing your body first, by Dr. Mark Hyman. He is a well-respected health guy who's been on all the TV shows and written several books, which is why I'm not worried about my recommendation. I recently heard Dr. Hyman speak on-line, and actually took notes; this is where the following info comes from. Also, it jibes with what I've heard elsewhere, and what I've experienced myself.

Let's start with food and nutrition. Yes, these are separate entities because often what we call "food" isn't actually nutritious. For example, sugar, soybean and vegetable oils, and the things that are added to our foods such as artificial coloring. Toss in the sugar substitutes and you have some folks' daily diet!

Anti-nutrients like these lead to brain drain and physical downgrades. If you switch to eating a real food diet you can upgrade your biology in days. Yes, Days! Bring on the veggies! (And this is the perfect time for that -- summer!!) Get more calories from good fats. Discover how to upgrade your gut biome, that lovely garden in your belly that is probably overrun by weeds that are sucking up the nutrients that you do take in!

What else? Well, get a decent night's sleep. Take a real good look at your list of prescriptions. Are there some that you can reduce or eliminate (with your doc's help) by upgrading your habits? Do you know how to exercise effectively? That "Calories Burned" gadget on your elliptical is not as trustworthy and useful as you'd like to think!

Create a meditation habit. Start small but know that allowing this habit to grow and strengthen will soon be the best hour (yes hour!) you spend all day.

Don't ask how you can cure these "symptoms of aging". Start with preventing them in the first place! And if you're already in the throes, step back, upgrade, and be joyful.

Here's my own question to you:
Why does the thought of a lifetime of exercise and kale sound horrible . . . but a lifetime of aches, pains, being left on a bench at the zoo because you can't walk far, not fitting in the seat at the movies, noticing your brain slowing down, and feeling tired and crappy, sound just peachy? Think about it. 

Monday, May 30, 2016

Safe Use of Herbs Often Means Skipping the Supplement Aisle

Natural healing is becoming a trend, and I applaud that. When it comes to everyday health, to maintaining vitality, and to regaining an intimate body-mind-spirit connection, nature knows where it’s at. Energy work, yoga, herbs, essential oils, acupuncture . . . these are gifts of Nature that benefit us all.

When an emergency hits, though, you want the medical community and you want them fast! Broken bones, kidney stones, painful hips and knees – all these and more call for the doctor.

Using both of these in concert is when you really hit the health home run! When you get a diagnosis of diabetes, for example, you may need to get on a course of insulin immediately. Then, when things are under control, you can turn to nature and begin a course of diet and exercise that may reduce your dependence on insulin. The same goes for so many maladies: See the doctor, get diagnosed, follow his/her recommendations, and then seek a natural alternative.

Let’s turn to natural supplements. I get a lot of questions about whether certain supplements are safe, or necessary. I actually spend a good amount of time researching any supplement that sounds helpful for me, and I suggest you do the same. Just because one thing helped your best friend feel more energetic doesn’t mean it will have the same effect for you.

But here’s something to keep in mind: Some herbs and foods that have been found beneficial for certain conditions have been turned into pills, and it behooves you to investigate whether it is better to take the pill or eat the food.

If you hear that, say, turmeric helps relieve joint pain, lowers inflammation, improves cognitive functioning, and even fights wrinkles, well of course we all want us some turmeric! But how you add it to your diet is important.
Here’s where I remind you I’m not a medical professional, not a nutritionist, not an herbalist . . . What I am is someone who is in awe of the power of nature and who is constantly reading and learning about natural foods and supplements. This is my humble opinion, and I hope it is a starting point for you to do your own research and come to your own opinions!

Let’s keep with the turmeric. It’s a root that looks like a miniature gingerroot. It’s small and wrinkly and bright orange. (Check Whole Foods if you want to see it in root form – but you’ll want the powdered form for cooking!) It’s been used for centuries in the food cultures of Asia and North Africa. It’s what gives curry its lovely color and adds to its distinctive flavor. Ground turmeric is added to a milk concoction that is widely praised for its anti-inflammatory properties and often enjoyed as a nighttime beverage during cold and flu season to ward off those illnesses.

The active ingredient in turmeric is curcumin. You can find curcumin and turmeric capsules in the vitamin/supplement aisles. Many people take these as a supplement to obtain the many benefits of curcumin.

Here’s where my opinion comes in: Why take the supplement which may contain other ingredients, come with a list of contraindications, and have the risk of overdosing, when it is so safe and simple to add the spice turmeric to your daily diet?

If you search for dangers of turmeric/curcumin supplementation online, you will read things like, don’t take if pregnant; when taken in large doses can cause diarrhea; taken in high amounts may cause stomach upset . . .

If you search for the number of people who had adverse effects of turmeric when used as a cooking spice, you’ll come up empty. Unless they don’t like curry dishes -- then the adverse effect would be an unhappy dinner experience!

I haven’t seen any cases of turmeric overdose when the spice was used as a flavor enhancer rather than a supplement. And the health benefits of this spice were, after all, noticed and enjoyed by people using turmeric as a spice, not as a supplement. Turmeric isn’t exactly delicious on its own, and is actually used in pretty small amounts in recipes; 1 teaspoon for a recipe that feeds 6 is common.

Here’s my take: Add turmeric to your food daily. Sprinkle it on lightly and enjoy. I even have an easy, delicious way for you to do this: Mix equal amounts of turmeric, cumin, and ground coriander in a saltshaker. Shake onto salads, eggs, veggies, meat  . . . It won’t be easy to overdo, and your food will be delicious!

What do you think?