1. Three full deep breaths.
2. Forward bend.
3. Bounce.
4. Stretch.
5. Walk.
1. Yup, that's it: Inhale/exhale/repeat. You'll be surprised to see how your breath expands as you practice.
2. Bend your knees!! Let your head hang heavy. Only do this one if it feels good.
3. Soften your knees and lift your heels about an inch. Toes stay on the floor. Bounce.
4. Check this video here: Quick Stretch (Yeah, I need to practice my vids!)
5. Take a few flights of stairs. Walk around the outside of your house. March in place.
Keep it easy and quick. You'll naturally extend your stress-relief time as you begin to feel the benefits. You can start to combine a stretch with a bounce, or a forward bend with a walk. See what feels best, or make up your own!
Peace out.
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