Sunday, July 15, 2012

Good Health Can Drive You Nuts!

“If I did everything “they” say I need to do to be healthy,
I wouldn’t have time to go to work!”

While we roll mats and organize blocks after a class, my students and I often talk about health issues and concerns, and share tidbits we’ve gleaned from our reading and internet browsing.  This week we talked about green drinks, and how, in order to indulge in this nutritional powerhouse, one needs not only a Vitamix blender ($330 to $650 on their website), but the time and energy to get to the farmer’s market or organic food store often enough to keep fresh ingredients on hand. A worthy goal? Perhaps, but one that comes with time and money constraints.

Here’s another topic:  It seems that taking daily vitamin supplements is seen in the same vein as believing in God in the trenches – Do it, just in case!

An article in Time Magazine recently listed colonoscopies as unnecessary and old-fashioned; yet last summer Time also printed a story by Dr. Oz about how his own 50-year old colonoscopy probably saved his life. Hmmmm.

And hormones for menopause, well, bring that up in a huddle of women and be prepared to hear as many adamant opinions as there are huddlers. “I use all-natural supplements. They work. Sort of.” “Anything’s better than the symptoms.” “I would never play around with my body’s natural state.” “Gimme the drugs, I need to sleep!”

I will stop here; the list could go on and on. So what’s a health-conscious person to do? 

It’s simple: Do your best. 

1 comment:

  1. Here here!, I say as a hot flash has made me a damp mess.
