Monday, July 9, 2012

What Would Mother Say?

Mother Theresa once said that she would not attend an anti-war rally; but invite her to a Peace rally and she’d be there. 

I often talk about words in this space, because it is through words that we do most of our communicating, and through words that we do the most harm to each other.  Think back on the last time that a well-intentioned hug brought bad feelings.  No, I thought not.  Now think back on the last time you said some well-intentioned words that backfired on you.  How about this one:  Oh, when are you due? (Not pregnant.) Or this variation on the classic: Your butt doesn’t look so big in those jeans. Even with robust rear ends being fashionable these days, this phrasing will not win you any gratitude.

(Notice I'm avoiding internet communication entirely; that world is fraught with pitfalls!)

Words are important because they convey our feelings. One day when we all have ESP and can read each others’ thoughts we won’t have to worry so much about choosing our words as carefully, because thoughts will be transferred without the interference of the alphabet, and the intent will be transferred along with meaning. But who knows when this will happen; until then, let’s try to improve our vocabulary.

Instead of; Try:
Poverty; non-abundance
Sick; unwell/unhealthy
Fearful; insecure
Clumsy; graceless
Sinful; unholy
Worried; unsettled

Get the idea?  Avoid the negative term and replace it with the negative of the positive! I’m having trouble with anger, though.  Maybe because there are so many things we need to be angry about right now, so maybe anger isn’t really a negative term. Any thoughts?

1 comment:

  1. 2 Things where are you standing? And many things to be angry about?Um? Do not make me unsettled.Great writings as usal
