Then it's off to your day which is feeling a lot like your yesterday. You know, that yesterday when you had this big list of things to accomplish and a small window of time in which to do it.
And at night you climbed in between those same old sheets in that familiar bed and lay your head on your favorite pillow and just as you fell asleep you sighed, "There has got to be a better way!"
At the risk of alienating some of you, I feel a need to quote Taylor Swift here: "Shake it off!"
Oh, you prefer Chubby? "Come on, baby, let's do the twist!"
In one word: Change.
Just do it (ack, I didn't mean to quote a commercial!!). Don't obsess about how. Don't follow the path from here to there, just step out in a new direction and have faith that it will take you someplace new and exciting.
Don't lose me here, catch yourself before rolling your eyes, and hear me out.
It's not about wishing and dreaming and hoping, it's about realizing that when you repeat the same patterns over and over you will get the same results.

That's all for today. Easy, not too crazy. Then sit back and expect the unexpected. You've dislodged a pattern in your universe and since it's a benevolent universe* it will reward you with something new and wonderful -- the trick is you must be open to noticing! I repeat: You must be open to noticing when something new and exciting places itself in front of you. Don't push it aside and look around it for your usual salad! Don't ignore it when thoughts of the scenic route home have been popping into your head all day, and take the fast route home like usual.
Expect the unexpected, and expect it to be great!
*The Universe is benevolent; our planet can seem inhospitable but the "out there" is not! Just take a deep breath in and you will be experiencing the beauty of the Universe through that life-giving air!
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