The holidays are upon us, in all their love/hate glory! There is so much to do and see and experience, and it is too easy to become overwhelmed.
What puts you slightly off-center these days? This holiday season, if you count from now to New Year's, is about 6 weeks long. That's too much time to spend off-kilter. Now is the moment to make the choice to stay as close to center as possible for these next weeks. This choice will lead to less stress, reduced illness, and more actual cheer (as opposed to the teeth-gritted merriment we sometimes feel obliged to present).
Choose to stay in your happy place this season. Choose vibrant health; choose generosity; choose love.
What you put your attention on increases. So don't dwell on the commercialism. Don't worry about things that do not directly affect you. It's not "putting your head in the sand" to notice the good things; we have made it a virtue to bemoan all the "low-lifes" and to cry out indignantly about government and world affairs. We have confused shouting with right action. Shouting gets you nowhere. Right action gets you where you want to be.
Where do you want to be this holiday season? I know where I will be. And I will be smiling!
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