Monday, October 19, 2015

Maintain or Regain Mobility and Health through Yoga!

15 Real World Benefits of a Regular Yoga Practice for People in Their 50s, 60s, and Beyond

* Your chances of taking a fall are reduced when you improve your balance through yoga.

* You can get up off the floor if you do happen to fall.

* You can get down on the floor to play with your grandchildren or puppy.

* Reversing out of a parking space is safer when you utilize a full twisting movement to see behind you.

* Your increased strength will help you lift and carry small children and groceries.

* Your increased flexibility will assist you in reaching things from high shelves.

* Endurance is enhanced, so you can join in on those family outings to the city without having to rest on every bench you pass.

* You can trim and polish your own toenails!

* No Velcro sneakers because you will be able to bend over and tie the laces.

* You can accept a ride in your grandson’s red roadster, because you are able to hoist yourself in and out with a modicum of grace.

* You will easily bend over to pick up stuff you’ve dropped.

*You will easily bend over to pick up that $5 bill that just blew across the sidewalk.

* You can finish that crossword or Jumble more quickly because of the increased blood flow to the brain during down dogs.

* You can stay in your two-story home because stairs are not an issue.

* You enjoy a good night’s sleep, plus increased energy during the day.

So get on it! Retain your health, vitality and independence through yoga!

See my website . Yoga is a great way to maintain or regain health of body, mind and spirit. With a regular practice you'll simply feel better! 

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

What are your plans for this fall season?

Since I’m in the health business – physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health – I plan to up my own game this fall. You’ve heard me moaning about gaining a few pounds over the summer, feeling lazy and neglecting my yoga; well, I’m done grizzling and I’m ready to step into action.

Working for oneself is great, but without a schedule it can go to pot quickly! I’ve decided to keep a journal at my desk and track my movements, so to speak. I am very aware of the amount of time I fritter away at the computer but I think that actually seeing it in black and white will help me sit up and take notice, and hopefully become more productive.

Not that being uber-productive is my end goal; what I’m reaching for is release from the guilt I feel for “wasting time”, and the letting go of fears that I harbor around putting myself out there. I feel so chock full of good information and exciting ideas, but it’s all hot air unless I put it to good use!

So today, the first Tuesday after Labor Day, I’ve started taking notes so I can figure out what works for me, and eventually what may work for you as well. It’s like the first day of school for me – I feel that same sort of excitement. I even have a pretty new notebook! Dang, I wish I had one of those pens with a fuzzy ball on the top or something . . . oh well.
Labor Day Weekend at Giant Ledge, Catskills

It’s a little after 10am on my first day, and so far I’ve meditated, done a short Qi Gong video (love it!!) and now I’m writing my email and blog post. (Yes, coffee & breakfast too, plus shower, etc. but that should go without saying!) My list is looking pretty good!

Find a cute notebook and maybe a fun pen and join me! I’m doing a simple list, but you can feel free to pour out your heart if you want to. Or make happy/sad/confused face emoticons. Whatever. Let me know what works for you.

Happy New Year (sort of)! Love and Peace and Balance and Joy to you!!

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

What is Reiki, Anyway?

Sorry, I can't give you a definitive answer to that question! Reiki is still a bit of a mystery to me, although the results I see in myself and my clients show that it is very real.

In simple terms, Reiki is a form of energy work that utilizes the energies that surround us -- you know, that energy that keeps you alive with every inhale. These energies are harnessed and brought to the body for healing at a cellular level.

But all you really need to know, anyway, is that a Reiki session is probably the most relaxing, calming thing you'll ever experience! It is a great stress reliever, calming the body and mind so that the natural healing abilities of your body can do their work efficiently.

Imagine this: You lie comfortably on your back, wearing your street clothes and sock-footed. If it's chilly (hard to imagine during this heat wave but it will happen!) you are covered with a nice blanket. You may detect the aroma of lavender in the air. You close your eyes and the session begins. Sometimes you feel a gentle touch of the hands, sometimes you don't, but mostly you don't care because after a few minutes you are in a state of calm and relaxation that you didn't think was possible!

So, what is Reiki? It is a comfy, non-invasive stress relieving modality that makes you feel better. Way better. Ahhhhhhh.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

I Saw the News Today, Oh Boy

I watched the news the other night. Big mistake. Now I can’t stop thinking of all the hardship, carelessness, and even horror that people around the globe – yes, far away but also right next door – go through in their daily lives. Then, when I looked through my usual computer apps, all my feeds were filled with love, support, and messages of hope and light because I’m “friends” with, and  “Linked” to people who are on a compassionate healing path similar to mine.

I’m having trouble reconciling the two disparate messages.

My instinct is to put my attention on the huggy-feely love messages, of course. One, because it makes me feel like there’s a chance The World can improve; and two, I know that what you pay attention to is what you bring into your life. I am aware of what’s going on “out there”, because even though I purposely turn off the TV I still hear the relevant news through the grapevine, and during news reports on the radio. Instead of giving in to the seeming hopelessness of the situation, I choose to send thoughts and prayers of love instead. Even if you don’t believe my good thoughts are helpful to those far away people, at least I’m not spreading the gloom to those near me!

I’m good at looking past peoples’ “dark side”. That’s what makes it possible for me to teach yoga at the county jail and genuinely want to help them; I don’t ask or read about their crimes, I just surround them with good vibes and hope some rubs off. I’ll tell you one thing, those women are always smiling and grateful when I leave; that has to be good for the general population there, even those who don’t participate. I know there is a reason they are incarcerated, but I also feel they can be accorded respect as women, not just convicts, and that this will help them once they return to our communities.

So here I am, trying to recover from my 5 O’Clock News hangover when suddenly, there it is -- dang political debate, where the whole of craziness is laid out before me in one, straight, dark-suited line. I know there’s some sanity in there somewhere, but the broadcast barely allows that element to come through. If I listen, will I be informed or just crazed? If I ignore it, will I be able to make a reasoned vote when the time comes?

You see my dilemma, and perhaps feel it yourself. The World of my dreams is coated in rainbow hues and the majority of people there have found inner peace. I can easily live in that world, surrounded, as I am, with yogis, serious meditators, and loving friends and family here in my lovely, safe town. Yet I know that “out there” lies a world of darkness and pain. Are my good intentions enough? Does it help the World’s cause for me to hear the bad news and fret about it? If I’m not going to go over and physically DO something, is it useful to moan and cry about inhumanity?

I’m going to go with Goodness and Light. It’s not Pollyanna; it’s a life strategy. I don’t ignore the strife; I blanket it in compassion. I know that a smile shared ripples through more that just one person. I know that when a cranky person walks into a room, it’s a downer for everyone. This strategy may not be perfect, but it’s a start. Join me.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Is it real, or is it Memory?

My childhood memories of hot days have me lying on the basement floor, enjoying the cool dampness of the tiles against my skin. I see myself in longish shorts, with a sleeveless buttoned up shirt. I was probably barefoot, but maybe I had my red, rubber-toed sneakers on.

Another memory is running through the sprinkler in the front yard. My sisters and I, in matching red swim suits, lining up and dashing through, with my brother sitting close by trying to drink the water. Remember that feeling? If the spray headed toward you during your turn, you’d turn your head and squint so you wouldn’t get it in the eyes. If the sprayer was leaning away, you would jump over and feel the spray move up your body as you ran away.

No, this isn’t a “it was so much better back then” post. My kids have a pool to jump in; that’s pretty good! It’s about memories. I bet that each of my siblings who were in the sprinkler with me have a different take on that memory. I see us in matching red suits, maybe because I really liked those. Or hated them. I’m imagining our friend Amy with us, because so often she was. My memory of running through the sprinkler on a hot day is probably made up of a bunch of episodes when Mom turned on the sprinkler, not one single event.

Yes, there is a point, other than making you want to turn on the sprinkler and have a dash: Memories are our creations. We keep some details and submerge others. Memories can change over time. One dramatic moment can color the whole event, like my memory of Chris choking on popcorn at a fair and Mom running with her in her arms to the first aid tent. I probably had a great time that whole day, but that’s the only thing that stuck to me.

So be aware that memories are probably not completely factual and complete. Don’t let a bad memory of something keep you from trying it again. And don’t replay scary memories over and over in your mind until it becomes a fear or phobia!
I remember this day.  Or do I???

 If you have trouble stopping your mind from spinning over a traumatic memory, EFT is the perfect way to halt that cycle. Contact me at to set up a free phone consultation to see if EFT is right for you. Visit for more information. EFT can be done in person, over the phone or using Skype, all with equally successful results.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Another year already??

Tomorrow is my birthday, and I'm figuring this one puts me about halfway through my lifespan. Good thing I have so much time left, as I have so much to do! 

Since we already figured out the Meaning of Life (see blog June 22, 2015), what I need to do now is keep all that in mind as I move through the second half of my life, and things will be great. Without over-thinking this, here's my plan. (I reserve the right to change my mind and my plan as I grow more and more wise with the years!)

To find happiness, I will take care of myself. That means availing myself of the best I can find: food, travel, self care. Yes, massages and expensive beauty products are on that list! Stuff, too, if I feel like it, but honestly I don't have any answers right now to the question, What do you want for your birthday. I reserve the right to want stuff later!

I will continue to bring service to my fellow Earthlings. I enjoy sharing yoga and energy work, and helping people find their own Life Path. Remember, "service" doesn't always have to mean "free". That's a recipe for burnout. But volunteering is good for the soul and good for the planet, so don't discount that either!

Learning something new!
I will find joy wherever I can. Rising to my feet on the Stand Up Paddle board last week was pretty joyful! 

I will continue to be grateful for all that I have, and everything I experience. Living in gratitude makes one pretty joyous, so it's two birds! 

As I move through this life I will be mindful to spread Love not only to my family and friends, but also into dark places. The more Love aimed into these murky corners, the fewer murky corners there will be! 

I will continue learning from everyone and everything. I will do my best to see my failures as learning experiences, and to avoid self-doubt. A life filled with learning is a life filled with fun! (See SUP experience, right.)

What do you want for your birthday this year?

Monday, June 22, 2015

Health, Wealth, Happiness?

Got a minute? Let’s figure out the Meaning of Life. After all, this topic has been discussed since the beginning of humankind, so all comments and opinions are probably in by now. Let’s recap:

What is the Meaning of Life?
Happiness. This one may be a by-product, not the whole meaning. Happiness, after all, is not only elusive, but fleeting. Buy a new car and you’ll see what I mean. You’ll be happy for a while, but soon you will become accustomed to that fancy new dashboard and the purr of the new engine, and you won’t feel that frisson of happiness when you pull out of the driveway; it will just be another commute to work.
Service to others. Maybe. Most of the Wisdom Traditions throughout history have held up service to your fellow man as the Gold Standard of a life well lived. Do unto others and all that. Helping each other does make life a lot more pleasant and is gratifying to both the giver and receiver. Hmmmm.
Joy. This is a biggie, and a top contender for the title. Joy is something felt deep within, a response to beauty and wonder. It suffuses one with elation. It can be expressed physically through joyful movement – dance! – or as a quiet appreciation. A joyful person tends to lift those around them to a higher level of joy as well.
Gratitude. The World turns on Gratitude. When one is thankful for food, possessions, friends and family, life, then that person is at peace. To live in the state of Gratitude is to live in a place of abundance and plenty. And I hear the taxes are low!
Love. No list on Life would be complete without Love! Love pulls us together as humans. Love pulls us together as stewards of the land. Love creates community among people and it leads us to protect and care for the creatures of the world. Love is a biggie.
Lessons learned. In the mystical community, life on Earth is seen as a place of learning, a place where the Spirit goes to discover how human qualities can teach generosity and kindness; to discover the adverse effects of cruelty and lack. Maybe Life on Earth is a Spiritual High School.

We desire each of these qualities in our lives. Each, including the fleeting Happiness, contributes to a life well lived. These, and much more, create a world of meaning, and each person has the ability to participate in this creation! And now that we’ve sorted this out, you can cancel your plans to sit cross-legged at the top of a mountain.
Be happy today. Find joy in the little things. Help someone out. Say thank you continuously. Allow your heart to swell with love. Learn your life lessons. Eat plenty of fiber and take your vitamins. All is well.