Wednesday, September 14, 2011

All in a Name?

Wednesday and no post.  I don’t have a topic, and I can’t find the time.  My email notice reminds me frequently and I make a mental note for “later”.

This morning I was vacuuming and dusting and listening to a Caroline Myss book on my iPod when the phone rang.  “Hi, it’s Bernadette,” the voice said.  I ran through my list of friends and acquaintances with that name.  I surprisingly know a fair number of Bernadettes.  It took another sentence from her to realize it was my college roommate.  We speak only about every 10 years, it seems, but her voice registered quickly.

I’m going to skip the part about how excited I was to hear her voice (it’s not the Om Hour, after all), and get to the nitty-gritty.  We were placed in the same room at college –   Room 711, a lucky number! – because our names were similar.  The RA thought it was cute.  Bernadette was Psychology, I was English.  Fast forward twenty-nine (!)  years and Bernadette is in the Holistic healing business down in Virginia with massage, oils, reflexology, and more.  And here I am, practicing and sharing yoga, reiki, and meditation. She’s coming to visit soon and boy, we’re going to have to talk fast!

So, the thread that linked us when we were younger has held fast through absence; it’s even grown stronger without us knowing!  We thought it was all in the names, but I guess it was more than that. Synchronicity.  It’s a beautiful thing.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jeannette! Great post. Synchronicity IS a wonderful thing. Just when I had given up on finding your site (was looking for Om Moment not Minute) you left your lovely comment on mine ( Thanks! For following through. For commenting. For leaving your url! Am enjoying browsing OM (great acronym!). Have subscribed. You need a Best Of archive! Write on! Daniela from Omega
