Monday, June 18, 2012

Salute the Sun

How full is your glass?  This week we celebrate the summer solstice, the longest day of the year. As I reminded my yoga class of this upcoming day, someone responded, “Oh, I hate the summer solstice. It means the days are going to start getting shorter.” 


What other wonderful things do we dismiss as being negative because it is bringing about a future change? Do we cry at our child’s eighth grade graduation through dread of having a high schooler? Do we lament our first grey hair because now we are old? Do we skip a milestone celebration because we don’t want to think back on happier/better/younger times?

Don’t miss a celebration NOW because of a fear that is in the future. Enjoy the long day. Enjoy the sweet summer nights. Eat a fresh-picked tomato (it’s lunchtime and I’m hungry . . .) And watch the news on Wednesday to see if you can catch my daughter and me Surya Namaskar-ing our heart-centers out with a few other folks (like 1500) in New York’s Times Square. Woo hoo, longest day of the year!!
Abby doing Camel
Yoga is so fun with a crowd!

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