Monday, August 13, 2012

Nourishment Redux

We speak of nourishment and think, chicken soup, kale, quinoa. Nourishment from food is only one part of the equation, though. We must also heed the call from within that asks for a different type of nourishment. Do you need music, words, the rush of the wind in your hair as you run? Does your mind call out for solitude, for society, for excitement or for peace? Are you prickly today, perhaps in need of some healing touch? Take a moment to ask your heart, mind, and energy systems what treat would be enjoyed today. If you’re lucky, it will be something different and nourishing every day.

You may need to force yourself to put on those running shoes or yoga pants, but experience has taught you that your body runs better when it runs, stretches, jumps. If you are going through a time of sadness or changes, your heart may inform you of its need to rest, and you will find nourishment in lying down under a tree or listening to beautiful music. Your energy system knows if it wants lots of space to expand or if it needs to be stimulated, and you will seek solitude, or a massage, or a crowd of friendly faces.

When things get scrambled take a pause and listen. Your breath or your heartbeat or the song in your soul will tell you what you need.  (And yes, this is my sneaky way to get you to meditate!)

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