Saturday, October 13, 2012

Riddle Me This

What’s the answer?

That depends on the question, doesn’t it? Let’s try this one: What is good for me?

There is so much information out there, and we all want someone to say, do this and do that and all will be well. There are plenty of folk willing to do so, but really, they will be telling you what is best for them, not necessarily for you. Others can guide you, but ultimately you have to decide for yourself.

Pay attention to how you feel after you eat something. Did it energize or enervate? Did it satisfy or did it make you want more? When it comes to food, we are all tangled up in webs of family, habit, comfort, denial and reward, so it is hard to find the real answer. But there is a way to find it: Pay attention.

Notice. Be aware. When you treated yourself to that plate of crispy calamari, did it end up being a treat, or a trick? Do you sleep better at night when you’ve had your daily walk? While you were taking that meditation class and sitting quietly every day, how did that affect your mind and spirit?

Talk to yourself. You do it anyway; might as well talk about something useful instead of muttering about where the heck you left your keys. Ask yourself. You have all the answers.
Tovie's answer is to cuddle up and get his homework done before watching the Discovery Channel.

1 comment:

  1. That's why being with you is good for me. Because every time your near I feel better.
