Monday, February 25, 2013

Who Holds Your Controls?

I’m working on getting over some of my knee-jerk reactions. Those reactions that come from a place of fear and have nothing to do with logic. Those things that I “know” are too crazy, impossible, or ridiculous to even contemplate. I want to move toward making real decisions, which means listening to things I don’t want to hear and trying things I’d rather avoid so I can decide, not simply react.

I’m not talking about instinct, that visceral reaction that keeps me from walking down dark alleys or letting my preteen go to a party with no parental guidance. I’m talking about that wall that slams down like a prison door in the movies, lights flashing and sirens blaring, when I am faced with a proposition I don’t want to take or an idea I don’t want to believe, for no other reason except, I don’ wanna!!

Sport controls his wheels! Who controls yours?
I don’ wanna change my mind, eat this food, avoid that food, take that test, make the effort. I like believing I’m right and They’re wrong. It’s so much simpler to sit here with my eyes closed; please don’t tell me to change, because I don’t wanna!

It’s a whole new world out there. If we don’t release some old beliefs we will end up slogging our way through a dreary life. If we don’t let go of habitual fears and righteousness and ego, we cannot move forward.

It’s a choice. You can decide to hunker down with your favorite reruns, getting stiff in the joints and foggy in the brain; or you can sit up, shake it off, and turn your attention to something new. Let every sunrise be a joy and every smile have meaning. Open yourself to new opinions and make a real decision on what is right for you. You have the controls; don’t let that security door slam down on your fingers. See what’s going on, and then decide.

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