Monday, October 13, 2014

Simplifying Health (Over-simplifying, really)

I generally avoid talking about food and diet here, because it is such a contentious subject these days, with so many new ideas and theories flying around. Some of these ideas are backed by science, and some are backed by the “Hey, it worked for me!” school of proof. I also avoid talking about exercise, because pretty much the extent of my movement is my own yoga, and the occasional qi gong video, so I’m not exactly well-rounded in the exercise department. 

But since I have your ear (or, rather, your eye) I will take the opportunity to spout a little of what I’ve uncovered through reading, research, and trial and error. Let me begin by quoting Michael Pollan: Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.  Then I’ll add a quote of my own: Move your body. Not too far, too fast or too furiously. Breathe.

I would love to add, Listen to your body; but our bodies have been traumatized to the point that they don’t really know what to say anymore! We eat food that’s not really food. We exercise to the point of exhaustion or not at all. We exercise to burn off calories from the non-food we’ve eaten or plan to eat later. 
I hear fish is full of omega-3!

To keep this Om Minute-sized, I’ll stick with the short comments: Choose good fats and eat them with every meal. Keep away from sugar. Choose organic (it’s the pesticides and antibiotics we’re avoiding here!). Increase veggies, decrease “white” carbs. Move your body with joy and intention every day, and take lots of movement breaks throughout. Do not exercise to burn calories (admit to yourself this doesn’t work and that you know this from your own experience). 

In conclusion: Eat healthfully. Exercise mindfully. Think thoughtfully. Smile cheerfully. 

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