Friday, August 27, 2010


We make choices every day, many times a day.  Chicken or fish; Shop-Rite or Stop and Shop; Harvard or Yale. Some of our choices will affect us deeply and some choices won’t matter in a few minutes. 
            Some choices we make with our heads and some with our hearts.  Through the practice of yoga, we also learn to make choices by listening to our bodies.  Is it a backbend sort of day? Will I choose Sarvangasana (shoulder stand) or Viparita Karani (legs up the wall) as my inversion?  An inquiry into our body’s desires will provide information so we can choose the best asana for right now. Perhaps if the same choice was presented to your logical mind, you would decline an active pose because you had been feeling tired that day, yet the active pose might be just what your body is crying for to chase those cobwebs away.
            Make a choice, take a stand, decide.  Use your head, keep an open heart, and listen to your body.  It’s a gift from yoga to you. 

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