Monday, March 14, 2011

Are You an Airhead?

Spring is a time of enormous energy.  Roots are reaching down, sprouts are reaching up, leaves are stretching out, and babies will soon be birthed under ground and in the branches.  The world fairly crackles with freshness and movement.  We happily take in this energy after a winter of sluggishness (which we embraced eagerly enough in the fall!) and our heads spin with delight and effervescence.  So what’s the problem?

Spring Fever makes it hard for us to concentrate, and we may feel spacey and disconnected with our selves, both body and mind, as well as with other people.  This could lead to irritability or anxiety, things we don’t want to be feeling in this beautiful time of year.

Next time the sun is out, find a spot where you can stand or sit – hopefully you won’t need to tromp through too much mud to get there!  Now, make like a tree.  Close your eyes and lift your face to the sun while imagining roots coming out of your feet and reaching into the welcoming earth. Feel your connectedness to the ground; really notice the sensation of being attached deep into the dirt, around rocks and through clay. Grow the sensation upward, through your legs and your torso, out your arms and up through your crown and beyond. Go ahead, give yourself leaves, or even blossoms, that shimmy in the breeze.

You can have roots that go deep and still be present in the higher elevations, staying grounded while enjoying the sunshine.  Maybe if you’re still enough, a robin will stop by to say hello!

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