Monday, March 7, 2011

Good, Good, Good, Good Vibrations

Feeling good?  Figure out why!  Where are you, with whom, and what are you doing?  Everyone has their share of ups and downs, but by being aware, you can learn to keep those “up” moments a little longer, and shorten your down times.

Our personal energies, our cellular vibrations, our groovy vibes, all shimmy and shake at different speeds when we are exposed to thoughts, emotions, images and sounds.  Spend time on a spring day in the forest, with tiny flowers blooming underfoot and birds twittering gently overhead, and your vibrations will likely increase.  Your energy will rise and your mental state will even out.  Next time you are feeling low, either physically, mentally, or both, take a look at where you are.  Is it loud or echoing; do overly bright colors and images invade your vision; is the air re-circulated and stuffy?  These sensory assaults may initially raise your vibrations but to such a high degree that they soon shut down to protect you, leaving you feeling worn out and disoriented.

It’s not always spring, or even nice enough outside to commune with Nature, but there are ways to get your energy vibrations at an optimal level.  Meditation, some Sun Salutations, or  – believe it or not – even some mindful vacuuming or sock folding!  (I know, but really, it can be soothing, plus you’re getting something useful done.  Your guru would be proud!)

Take note of your vibrations at different times during the day, week, month, year.  Experiment with ways to keep yourself humming along at an optimal level.  Then listen to yourself, and take your own advice, and feel good.

1 comment:

  1. Good good good, good vibrations! Somehow this post put a song in my heart and I feel better already.
