Monday, September 13, 2010


In a day, how many times do you sigh with impatience, or tap your foot or roll your eyes?  How often do your shoulders slump or your teeth grit as you attempt to deal with the incompetents in your life?  Do you sometimes feel that the world is conspiring to make you wait?

Well, quit it!  Most of the things we lose patience with are only holding us back by seconds, or maybe minutes.  Most of the people we are impatient to are simply trying to muddle their way through their own day.  So a lady parks her grocery cart in the middle of the aisle to browse the cereals . . .  Don't slam her cart to the side and huff past; instead, give her a smile, tell her not to worry about it, that you'll move her cart for her.  Or that guy swerving around everyone on the highway -- send him some good thoughts because he needs them!

Exchange a smile for a sigh, a good thought for a bad, and notice the difference in your mood when you haven't spent the day with gritted teeth.

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