Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Karma - What the heck is it?

Think of karma as a seed.  You plant it and it grows, and the fruit you receive from it depends on the seed you planted.  Seeds of lovingkindness bring forth sweet fruit; bitter seeds ripen into bitter fruit.
Karma is not fate.  Karma is action and effect.  It is important to remember that action/effect is not always immediate.  You may be building up equity in the Bank of Karma for the future.  When someone asks plaintively, “why do bad things always happen to me? I’m a good person,” they need to remember that it's not that simple.  We live in a world full of people, relationships, and nature, and stuff is happening all the time. Maybe good things are happening and you just aren't noticing. Maybe the good things are in the works, and are taking time to “ripen”.  Next, take another look at your actions and thoughts.  How good is “good”?  Is there room for improvement (and we know the answer to that is always Yes)?
Making an effort to put out sweet, loving actions -- actions toward others that we would be happy to receive ourselves -- can bring great rewards. Even if you do not “believe” in karmic energy, those around you will be the happier for your good deeds, and you’ll receive more smiles. That’s enough, I think.

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